Home / Development / DCCAM PROVINCIAL CENTER: Trapaeng Veng Village, Banteay Meanchey Province
DCCAM PROVINCIAL CENTER: Trapaeng Veng Village, Banteay Meanchey Province: With time, humans and landscapes heal, though the latter faster than the former. Yesterday’s war zones and sites of atrocities can quickly become overtaken by foliage, trees, and nature’s beauty—utterly erasing the history of mass atrocities. In a recent visit to a small village, the Documentation Center of Cambodia (DC-Cam)’s youth volunteers remarked at the stark difference between the dark past and the present beauty of the community they visited. But human memory can be more resilient and survivors provide an important lesson for future generations on the fragility of human affairs. Giving youth the opportunity to learn is not only preserving memory and justice; it is building a better future.
Director, Kampong Cham Documentation Center
Director, Stung Treng Documentation Center
Documentation Center of Cambodia
e: truthchenda.s@dccam.org
t: +855 12 663 611
w: www.dccam.org
The Centers

DC-Cam Headquarter

The Queen Mother Library, Phnom Penh

The Sleuk Rith Institute

Anlong Veng Peace Center | Dr. Ly Sok-Kheang, Director

Prey Veng Documentation Center | Phen Pong-Rasy, Director

Kampong Cham Documentation Center, Kampong Cham Province

Koh Thma Documentation Center, Tbong Khmum Province

Takeo Documentation, Takeo Province